2010 will always be one of those special years that I look back on. What will I remember most?
I'll remember that it was a year to thank God for unanswered prayers.
It was a year for:
Burying relationships for good with big players in my life; rededicating my life to Christ on Easter Sunday; Fairview Park with Mahlon; Thomas the Train; Iphones; Chuck E Cheese; swim lessons; John Deere Gator truck races; baseball gloves; peanuts; cracker jacks; Rangers magic #100; slip n slide; "Can I have a jelly bar"; back home; Thomas the Train birthday cake; Hurrican Harbor; Six Flags; Cowboys Stadium 100 yard TD by Mahlon; Ballpark Pressbox with Chuck Morgan; fireworks at Munson Stadium and Paulie's; Elmo party at cousins; rally caps; walk-off home runs; screaming "Nelson Cruuuuuuuz!"; Sunday morning breakfast wtih Mamaw & Papaw at Cracker Barrel or IHOP or Whataburger; church every Sunday; no more broadcasting; pre-K; grilling pork chops and chicken every night; throwing ground-balls in the driveway; hopscotch; "Take me out to the ballgame!"; the dot race; Howe All-School Reunion; racing on the beach at Galveston; making ballpark sand-castles; fantasy football drama; Facebook posts; Bulldog Black Fridays; magic # at 1; Bumble Bee Transformer for Halloween; Victory Light; Rangers pumpkins; claw; antler; WORLD FREAKING SERIES!!!!!; apple juice; Howe Bulldogs in playoffs; 1,000 trains in the living room; 10,000 legos in the living room; Mario shirts; "Can I watch Thomas on your phone?"; Candyland; Santa Claus caught on tape; Mahlon winking at me and saying, "I Love You Daddy!"
Yep, 2010... my, oh my... You'll be missed!!!!!