Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's world sucks the life out of me

Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Jose Canseco, and (and countless other cheaters) have helped destroy the thought that there can ever again be a natural great athlete. Thanks to these despicable actions by "role models", there will never again be a Mohammed Ali, Nolan Ryan, or Carl Lewis that won't have to be questioned and harassed. I feel sorry for Lance if he was clean. But if not, what he did was just as despicable as those other losers.

I grew up a little naive in a small town thinking that there are good people everywhere. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt because I haven't been hardened by critical, cynical, well populated, over-crowded societies. But this world has changed dramatically from the pre-internet age. Our generation has grown from a kinder-gentler society in our youth where we own our words, to a mass-transit, mass-media, cynical world where everyone has a smart remark and are at times viscously crude to each other anonymously.

This world today sucks. Cheaters are in the housing industry, in the stock market industry, in the healthcare industry, in the government industry, and yes, especially the competitive sports industry including pro, college, high school and even youth and I'm increasingly concerned about the future of society when the generations that were flooded with values are no longer here and left to run things are the self-absorbed reckless who will step on anyone anytime and be cruel to others to "get the edge"