I'm thankful for:
The Father the Son the Holy Spirit for everlasting life; My beautiful wife for her devotion and love; Our two boys that are so very gifted and have huge hearts; A home that is safe to protect my most precious assets...my family; My mom who has given me the burning desire to be the best at everything I do; My dad for giving me the wisdom to do things the right way in my quest at being the best at everything I do; Papaw Walker who shared with me his enormous heart; Mamaw Walker for taking me to church at a very young age; My aunt Pearl Smith for her quiet, stoic nature...and her plum jelly toast, pet milk coffee and hot wheels at Christmas; My aunt Lady who made my soul open when she played boogie-woogie on the piano (and spoiling me to no end); For my job and being a part of the Douglass family-it's and amazing group of people to work for and with; My childhood best friend Chris Garner who I competed against at everything only to most times come up just a little bit short; Tim Smithart for teaching me 6 million things about baseball; Jim Fryar for making me earn my way; Joey McQueen who taught me it's okay to tell your players that you love them; Billy Hill who showed me you don't have to be voted in to be a leader; Bill Harrison who said, "business leaders don't call in sick"; The hard lessons I learned early in life that have shaped me to be I am today; The true heroes that have served our country to make it the best place to live in the universe; For the little things like sharing a hotdog with my son at the ballpark or shooting hoops with my stepson in the backyard; Enjoying the moonlight evening with my wife; For coaching which gives me the opportunity to mold and shape young boys into young men and to keep passing the torch; I'm thankful for 2nd chances and 3rd chances; For positive minded people; for each one of you, who I consider my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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