Monday, July 15, 2013

Zimmerman Case Thoughts

My only thoughts on this subject: The media handpicks certain trials or stories that create emotional tension with us in order to keep us tuned in to their programming and therefore increasing ratings and therefore charging more for advertising. They no longer give the news. They're into the emotion business. Unfortunately, our country has been programmed to be emotional to race. Racial tension is not something we're born is not from God, nor is it new (Jews/Gentiles, Protestants/Catholics, etc). Don't get so caught up playing into their hand by getting emotionally wrapped up in a race case. Our country has done a great job of getting over ourselves (racially). When you allow Christ to be close, you're going to have to deal with Satan being close too. It's part of the package. If one can understand that, one is able to recognize these moments. 

When a country is formed on "In God We Trust" and "All men are created equal"...that's from God. When those same men import human-beings and think of them as animals, and that infects our land for 300 years...that's from Satan. 

When Christ sends a man that's willing to stand for his people and lead them out of suffering through non-violence (Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson)...that's from God. When a man shows up to lead his people by enraging them...that's from Satan. 

The men that penned the words "All men are created equal" but didn't adhere to their paper by not including women, or black men, or natives, etc., thus struck the first match.

As our country flows increasingly away from God, Satan has swept in. He was defeated by Jesus by the cross. And he know how the story ends, as we do. So all that's left is for him is to take as many of us with him as he can. 

If you've ever noticed the weight and balance scale, it's held by a cross. If you remove too much weight of one side, the other becomes dominant. 
The more we remove God from our hearts and society....the more Satan becomes dominant. Look around...

It's clearly evident over the past 50 years that we've taken too much weight off of the God scale. We are on a full out assault from Satan because we've allowed it. 

Please watch out for those attacks...such as media hogs making you emotionally upset by hounding over a story just to get you that way in order to make more money. Recognize those emotional hand grenades fired at you by Satan and just try your best to avoid them.

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